
NO. 354 报告人:赵小健

Motivated Beliefs, Independence and Cooperation


题目:   Motivated Beliefs, Independence and Cooperation

报告人:赵小健  副教授     莫纳什大学

主持人:叶   兵  副教授      浙江大学民营经济研究中心

时间:   2021年6月4日(星期五) 上午10:00 -11:30

地点:   腾讯会议(会议 ID:588 931 041; 本次会议对外开放,请加入会议者将个人姓名备注为 真实姓名+单位)


摘要:The paper investigates the interplay between an intra-person-multi-self game and an inter-person interaction. Motivated beliefs supplied from memory management due to present bias in the individual investment problem gives rise to a positive spillover on others through social interactions. Our result establishes a positive relation between self-confidence and prosocial behaviors, and suggests that a high frequency of social interaction reduces an individual's tendency of cooperating with others, exacerbating the free-riding problem. Our empirical finding shows that people in countries with indulgent cultures tend to be more confident in terms of Rosenberg's self-competence score, individuals living in countries with high population density or extended family system appear less confident, and those in countries with high self-competence scores are more agreeable in Big Five personality traits, largely supporting our model implications.


简历:Xiaojian Zhao is an associate professor at Monash University and the director of Monash Laboratory for Experimental Economics (MonLEE). His research covers contract theory with its applications in industrial organization and finance, and behavioral and experimental economics with particular focuses on motivated cognition and experimental semiotics. He has published in journals such as Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, etc.

